We continue here, post another topic about some of the most common idiomatic expressions that many people use around the world, in common every day situations. You will find it useful to memorize it. Such these idiomatic expressions, will help you improve your English writing and speaking skills in an easy and effective way. I hop enjoying these idioms, and we will post here another posts to make it easy for anyone wants to improve his English skills for free. We will write these idioms in English and we also will translate it's meaning to Arabic language.
- In a few days. بعد بضعه ايام
- In aid of لمساعده
- In all جمله
- In all probability على الارجح
- In answer to ردا على جواب
- In any case فى اى حال
- In behalf of لمصلحه
- In brief, in short على وجه مختصر
- In case of need عند اللزوم
- In conformity with طبقا لى
- In commemoration of تزكارا لى, احيئا لى
- In compensation for مقابل نظير
- In conclusion وفى الختام
- In connection with المتعلق بى
- In conjunction with بتالاشتراك مع
- In course of time على مدى الايام
- In due course فى الموقت المناسب
- In default of لعدم
- Indeed فى الواقع
- In due time وقتا ما
- In good earnest من جد
- In my opinion فى رايى
- In obedience to امتثالال
- In opposition to على ضد
- In order to لكى ل
- In other words وبعباره اخرى
- In the act of بينما كان متلبسا
- In the course of فى غضون او فى اثنا
- In the hope of املا فى ان
- In the long run فى نهايه الامر
- In the mean time فى الوقت الحاضر
- In the opinion of فى نظر او رائى
- In time مع الزمن
- In view of نظرا الى
- In virtue of بفضل او بمقتضى
- Now and again من وقت لاخر
- Of course طبعا
- Of his own accord من تلقاء نفسه
- Of necessity ضروره
- On account of بسبب او بعله
- On a large scale مكبرا
- On this occasion هزه المره
- On the occasion of بمناسبه
- On purpose قصد, عمدا
- On that account لهز السبب
- On the contrary على العكس
- On the one hand من جهه
- On the same level فى مستوى واحد
- On the same footing as سواء
- On the other hand من جهه اخرى
- On the spot على الفور
- On the whole اجمالا
- Once a day مره فى اليوم
- Once more مره اخرى
- Once upon a time يحكى انه كان فى قديم الزمان
- One by one واحدا واحدا
- Or else والا
- Owing to نظرا الى
- Presently حالا
- As regards من حيث, من جهه
- With regard to بالنسبه الى
- In many respects من عده اوجه
- In other respects من اوجه اخرى
- In this respects من هزا القبيل
- Such and such كزا وكزا
- So and so كزا وكزا
- So long as مادام
- Shortly قريبا
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