The Alphabet is :
- A character set that includes letters and is used to write a language,each of wich represents a phonem in a spoken languge.
- The elementary stages of any subject .
It 's origin.
The word "alphabet" come into English from the Latin word "Alphabetum".
The History Of The Alphabet.
When we follow the the history of the Alphabet ,we can clearly find that it started in ancient Egypt in 2700 BC .
The Egyptian writing had a set of some 24 Hieroglyphs which represent syllables that begin with a single consonant of their language.This form of alphabet was called uniliterals .
The Greek alphabet then carried over by the Greek colonists from Euboea to the Italian peninsula,gave rise to a many of alphabets used to inscribe the Italic languages.The Latin alphabet was one of them that spread
across Europe .
-English Alphabet.
Every language has it's own letters so if any one wants to learn a language he should know it's letters.
The English language consist of 26 letters of Alphabet.We write this letters in tow forms
- The "capita letters" or" uppercase letters" e.g A B etc...
- The "small letters'' or lowercase letters" e.g a b etc...
The English alphabet also divided into two parts
- The "vowl letters" :It is a speech sound, made with the vocal tract open or it is a letter of the alphabet standing for a spoken vowel .e.g A,E,I,O,U,.
- The'' consonant letters".It is a speech sound that is not a vowel. It is articulated with complete or partial closure of the vocal tract. e.g when we pronunce the letter[P] with the lips,[T] with the front of the tong,[K] with the back of the tong and etc.... .
The English Alphabet
Example | Pronunciation | Letter | |
Act | /ei/ | A-a | |
Bee | /bi/ | B-b | |
Call | /si/ | C-c | |
Deep | /di/ | D-d | |
Edge | /e/ | E-e | |
Face | /ef/ | F-f | |
gait | /d3i/ | G-g | |
hand | /eitsh/ | H-h | |
Idea | /ai/ | I-i | |
Jaw | /d3ei/ | J-j | |
King | /kei/ | K-k | |
Lady | /el/ | L-l | |
Man | /em/ | M-m | |
Name | /en/ | N-n | |
Opera | /ou/ | O-o | |
Pack | /pi/ | P-p | |
Queen | /kju/ | Q-q | |
Radio | /ar/ | R-r | |
Sale | /es/ | S-s | |
Take | /ti/ | T-t | |
You | /ju/ | U-u | |
Verb | /vi/ | V-v | |
Welcom | /ˈdabəlju/ | W-w | |
X-ray | /eks/ | X-x | |
Yawn | /wai/ | Y-y | |
Zoo | /zed/ | Z-z | |
The letter[Z]is the less one.
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