
How to Learn English ?

Key Benefits

Here are the key benefits you get from using the techniques in my book:
  • Think in English. You will be able to think, speak, talk, tell a story, share a secret, have a laugh, tell a joke… All in English. The purpose of my book is simple: making you as good in English as a native speaker.
  • Handle English as easily as your native language. You will be able to switch back and forth between the two naturally — with the same level of precision and comfort in each.
  • Understand any conversation, no matter how complex. People will talk at normal speed and you will be able to follow and participate like it is no big deal.
  • Be able to find your words and express your thoughts, while still having your own personal style. I want you to both know good English and still be yourself, natural, when you use it.
  • Grow confident: lose your accent, be stress-less and know you will speak good English for life.

Who this book is not for!

This book is not for:

  • People who want to study grammar!
  • People who want boooring stuff to practice their English — it may sound odd, but some people do ask for the same boring stuff they were served at school, for years, without much result.
  • People who are computer phobic. I mean, you do not need to be a computer wizard to use my book but you should not hate computers either. I will walk you through some techniques — to learn faster using the computer, for example — and you should simply be able to operate a computer (MP3s, videos) on your own — nothing more.
  • Beginners. If you are a total newbie in English, you are not supposed to be able to read this page first of all!… :-) but, mostly: beginners should use a beginners book in addition to this one. My method is for intermediary and advanced levels. My techniques will bring you to the next level in English and make you a fully fluent English speaker.

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