
Common errors In Vocabulary

Many English learners always commit a lot of mistakes when they speak or write English English. So in order to master English skills, you must improve your skills in it and try to avoid the common errors that many people commit when ever they speak or write English. If you want to master English and avoid the most common errors in English, you should work hard to improve your English skills and to be fluent in English. We will post here in learn English Online blog some of the most common errors and mistakes to help our reader learn how to avoid theses mistakes and improve there skills in English to speak and write English in a correct way. Have fun with us and start learning now!

In this post we will discus some of the most common English vocabulary mistakes in English to avoid committing it later.

Exceed يتجاوز
يقبل Accept
Except فيما عد
Accede ينضم/يوافق على
Capability قدره(الطائره مثلا) 
Ability قدره عقليه
deduce يستنتج
adopt يقبل يتبنى
Adapt يغير
Adjoining مترابط
Adjacent مجاور/قريب
deduct يطرح يحسم
Advice نصيحه
Adhere يخلص الولاء
Ascetic زهدى/متقشف
Advisedly برويه
Advise ينصح
Adviser ناصح
Advisor اشتشارى 
Acetic خالى
Affect يؤثر
Admittance قبول ازن بالدخول
Admission تسليم/ دخول
Afflict يحيط
effect اثر
Altogether تماما
Effrontery وقاحه 
affront اهانه/يهين
Delusion تضليل مخادعه
Illusion وهم
All together وقوع اكثر من حدث فى وقت واحد

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